Understanding Swollen Ankles in Seniors

Edema or swelling around the ankles and lower legs can happen at any age but older adults are at higher risk due to health issues, age-related changes and medication usage. Ankle swelling can signal a more complicated health concern like varicose veins, ulcers, skin breakdown or a liver, kidney or heart issue that should be…

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Understanding Memory Loss and Dementia

Memory loss is one of the first signs of Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive and irreversible form of dementia that impacts mental function and overall quality of life. Yet age-related brain changes can lead to decreased memory abilities that do not necessarily indicate dementia. To better understand these changes in cognitive health, consider the following factors….

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How Older Adults Can Lower Heart Disease Risks

While heart disease poses a serious risk for all adults, older populations tend to be more vulnerable. Life-altering effects like stroke, heart attack or heart failure may permanently limit mobility, resulting in disability, lack of socialization and decreased quality of life. For yourself or a loved one, understand how older adults can reduce heart disease…

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Warm Weather Safety Tips for Seniors

Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can lead to heat exhaustion, dehydration or heat stroke, especially in seniors. With age, the body becomes less effective at regulating its internal temperature. Coupled with chronic health conditions and medication side effects, seniors may find it hard to keep cool or sweat excessively, leading to heat-related illnesses. Understand how…

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